9.4 Plot settings

Plot style and options

To change the plot style, right click on the curve in the plot. Here it is possible to change the line color, thickness, and style. For spectral plots, one can expand to also set the spectrum type (e.g. Magnitude, Coherence, Real, Imaginary, Phase, Sum and Octave). These options are shown on the left side of the figure.

The spectrum options (e.g. Amplitude type, Density, Weighting, Smoothing) can also be set by clicking the axis options title in the upper-left corner of the plot to open a context menu, as shown on the right side of the figure. The selected spectrum options will be displayed in the upper-left corner of the plot, such that they are visible in any plot exports.

Setting of the spectrum options: (left) general and (right) in the Analyze module

Page orientation and aspect ratio

In the graphing card of the Analyze module, you can personalize the page orientation and aspect ratio.

To personalize the page orientation and aspect ratio, complete the next steps:

  1. Click on the aspect ratio button .
  2. Choose one of the predefined orientations or select Custom.
  3. If you choose a custom aspect ratio, type the width and height ration.

Setting the aspect ratio of the page

Customizing the layout of the graphs

Creating custom graph layouts

In the graphing card of the Analyze module, you can manipulate the graphs’ layout on the page, according to your needs and preferences. You can either set a grid adjusting rows and columns using the layout mode functionality or create it by dragging and dropping datasets on the added visual cues.

To create a grid to edit the graphs’ layout, you must follow the next steps:

  1. Click on the grid overlay button .
  2. Add rows and columns by clicking on .
  3. Type a number to edit the row/column size.
  4. Click the grid overlay button again to exit the edit mode.

Custom graphs’ layout in the Analyze module

You can type either integers, decimals, or fractions. SOURCE will automatically scale the grid proportionally.

Arranging and expanding plots

After creating a layout for your graphs, you can plot, arrange and size them in the grid according to your preferences. In the graphing area you can:

  1. Plot a dataset.
  2. Move a dataset by dragging and dropping it on a placeholder.
  3. Stretch or shrink a graph over one or multiple placeholders.

Example of customized graphs’ layout

When adding a graph, it will be plotted in the first available placeholder in the grid.

You can duplicate graphs by clicking the + button on the top right of the plot. A copy of the graph will be added to an empty placeholder of the grid.

Duplicating graphs

You can duplicate a plotted graph.

To duplicate a graph, you have to:

  1. Click on .

Loading saved graphs

Your graphs layout will be saved once you close SOURCE. Upon reopening, you need to load your plots again to visualize them.

To load saved graphs, you have to:

  1. Click on the arrows .

To reload a graph, SOURCE needs to load all the input data again and run the analysis. Be patient!

You can reload all graphs on a page by clicking in the toolbar.

Graph axes synchronization

Graph axes can be synchronized, such that any changes made to the axes are propagated to other graphs on the same page. You can choose to synchronize one or multiple axes between X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis (color-axis) and plot options.

To select the graphs to synchronize and set the synchronization rules, complete the next steps:

  1. Click .
  2. Select Manage Synchronization Rules.
  3. Click .
  4. Select the panels to synchronize.
  5. Select which axes to synchronize.

Synchronization rules can be created automatically by selecting Add Synchronization Rules Automatically.

Zooming axes

You can zoom in and out the axes of each graph either manually or by typing the axes limits.

To zoom in and out of the axes manually, complete the following steps:

  1. Position the cursor on one extremity of the axis.
  2. Left-click and hold and move your mouse accordingly.


To set the axes limits, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the axis you are interested in.
  2. Fill in the minimum and maximum values in the toolbar.
  3. Press Enter after filling each field.

To zoom in and out on the y-axis of a plot, you can also use the scroll wheel of your mouse.

To zoom into a specific portion of the plot, left-click and drag the mouse to create a box over the desired region.

Pinning the axis limits

By default, the axis limits scale according to the shown curves. You can avoid that by pinning the axes limits.

To pin the axes limits, complete the next steps:

  1. Click on the axis.
  2. Click on the pinning symbol on the right of the toolbar.

Pinning axes

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