About us: Our story


Because we love innovation in dynamics! A shared passion for structural engineering brought us together at Delft University of Technology. Over the years we have worked together on academic and industrial projects in the field of sound and vibration engineering, with a focus on Dynamic Substructuring and Transfer Path Analysis. Due to the sheer beauty of the methods and its potential for next generation product development, we made sure these methods are available for every engineer in the most accessible manner.


VIBES.technology was founded in the Netherlands in 2016. Our mission is to enable Experimental Dynamic Substructuring and modern TPA techniques to the engineering community. We empower engineers with new ways of doing dynamic analysis by fusing test & simulation. In order to do so, we develop intuitive and user-friendly software applications. We make sure engineers can implement our solutions, regardless their workflow. Moreover, we keep close ties with our customers. It allows us to create the right software to solve real challenges, so our customers can focus on the purpose of their work. From engineers for engineers!

More information?

Check out our product page for more details about our software. We also provide engineering services and training to get you up to speed or help you improve the implementation of these methods. Get in touch to know how we can help!

VIBES.technology – Delft office (H.Q.)
Burgwal 8a
2611 GJ Delft, Netherlands
+31 85 822 50 49

VIBES.technology – Munich office
Löwengrube 12
80333 München, Germany
+49 176 97763508