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VIBES at Atelier Acoustique 2023

23 March 2023

In March 2023, Ron Reichart from VIBES participated in the EXACT#5Journées techniques d’EXpérimentation en ACousTiqueevent of the SFA. This year’s edition held at the Laboratory of Acoustics of Le Mans University (LAUM). The event, this year focusing on source characterization, was a great opportunity to meet other industry professionals and discuss experimental methods and solutions. Also, VIBES got the chance to demonstrate its software solutions for characterizing structureborne vibration sources in a ‘from-engineers-for-engineers’ workshop.

From left to right: Jonathan Vaudelle (Valéo), Alban Millot (MBBM-VAS France), Anne Sanon (Valéo), Ron Reichart (

The event

The event was a small, French-only conference focused on source characterization, with VIBES among the industry partners participating in the workshops. 

VIBES presented an experimental workshop on the characterization of a structure-borne source by indirect measurement of blocked forces. The workshop was held together with Valéo and Müller-BBM. It demonstrated VIBES’ dedicated software applications DIRAC and SOURCE in combination with Müller-BBM’s measurement architecture 𝐏𝐀𝐊 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞, designed to help engineers obtain high quality Blocked Forces beyond the ISO standards to understand the characteristics of their sources. 

The attendees, including engineers from companies such as Naval Group and Sanden, remarked our expertise and dedication in acoustical engineering. After the hands-on experience in the workshops, they left convinced by our industry-ready solutions. 

The event provided VIBES with an opportunity to showcase its commitment to sharing knowledge and best practices with industry partners and academia. 

Philippe Zelmar (Phi Acoustique) making an impact with DIRAC


The workshop showcased VIBES’ software solutions for source characterization with Blocked Forces. The positive reception from the attendees, highlights the potential of VIBES’ innovative techniques to improve the accuracy and understanding of acoustical engineering.  

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