
VIBES 2020 – 2021 | Looking back and ahead

18 December 2020

At the end of an interesting year for all of us, we want to look back and see what 2020 has brought for Our product portfolio, our client base and our team have grown, despite the challenges of the pandemic. This is of course fantastic news! With these good vibes in mind, we’ll also be looking forward to 2021 in this article.

The product portfolio

Let’s start with one of the largest accomplishments of this year: we launched SOURCE, our software solution for source characterization and component TPA! SOURCE is developed in a partnership with Lightyear and the features range from vibration source characterization all the way to noise predictions. Of course we continued to improve our existing products too: DIRAC saw major improvements to enhance the usability and gave our clients (and ourselves) a lot of new insights in many different projects.

Finally, we started the development on project COUPLE, which is a two year collaboration between VIBES, the Technical University of Munich and BMW Group. This innovative project was voted by Eurostars as one of the best in Europe! Project COUPLE will result in the next generation of NVH prediction software by cleverly combining computer models and data of actual measurements, and ensures our future growth and success. Keep an eye on our website and newsletter to stay informed.

SOURCE enables a deeper understanding of the results

Projects, partners and clients

Besides the product development partnerships we worked together with our partners and clients on technology and knowledge sharing. A few highlights of 2020:

  • Together with Müller-BBM we organized a series of webinars
  • Together with ZF we wrote a paper on the characterization of an Electric Roll Control (ERC ZF case)
  • With our Japanese partner Toyo we organized a series of seminars in Japan

We would like to thank our partners and clients for the trust and we’re looking forward to working with all of them in 2021 and beyond!

One of the seminars in Japan, January 2020

The team

The success of 2020 is also reflected in the growth of our team. In July Annika Kwint joined us, she makes the perfect Office Manager for VIBES. Thanks to her good care, we were able to focus fully on the projects and software development.
The R&D department welcomed four (!) new members this year. First, Arash Khatami started as a Senior Software Engineer. Arash brings a ton of knowledge and works to enhance the user experience and robustness of SOURCE. Constantinos Kyprianou also joined the team to reinforce the work on our software products. Then, Steven Klaassen signed up for the team. Steven worked on his PhD on experimental joint identification at the TU Munich, and will translate academic knowledge to practical solutions at VIBES. Last, but certainly not least, Ron Reichart started at our Munich office as a Project Engineer. We’re glad to have him on board, as he is bringing a lot of relevant experience from his thesis work at the BMW Group.
Finally, the sales department welcomes Eleonora Cesari as in the role of Business Developer. Eleonora holds a master’s degree from TU Delft and brings experience from her time at both Daimler and Audi in Germany.

The VIBES team during lock down 2020

VIBES employs a diverse group of people with a shared passion for engineering (we currently have people on board from 7 different nationalities!). We can be proud of the successes we realized in the challenging year of 2020 and (as everyone) we look forward to the moment we can celebrate our successes again while being together. We hope this will be possible in 2021, but in any case we have a lot of exciting plans and product developments that we will bring. So stay tuned, stay healthy, and keep the good vibes going in 2021!

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