
Technical Seminar

15 July 2019

Faster NVH engineering, preventing design iterations and building better products: That’s what this joint seminar is all about! and Müller-BBM are pleased to invite you to the technical seminar “Dynamic Substructuring & Blocked Force TPA” which will take place on 19 September 2019 at CRITT M2A. Take part in this TechDay (free registration), combining theory and practice, to learn how to:

  • Define a source target independent from the testing environment
  • Evaluate the acoustic performance of a component in an early phase

Some advantages of this technology:

  • Time and cost saving process
  • Combination of CAE/simulation and test data
  • Clear definition of targets between OEM and supplier

When: Thursday, September 19th 2019, 9:30 – 17:00h
Where: CRITT M2A facilities, 62700 Bruay-la-Buissière, France

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