
VIBES 2018 – 2019 | Looking back and ahead

07 January 2019

With the holidays coming up, the end of the year is for most of us a good time to look back and evaluate what the year has brought. is looking back on what has been the most successful year so far. 2018 brought growth in every aspect of the company; our team, our client base and product portfolio.

Expanding our team continuously is essential to growth. This year we have expanded both our engineering and software development capacity. Halfway the year Julie Harvie joined as project engineer. With a background in vibration analysis at Sandia National Labs (USA), Julie has already proven to be a valuable team member on a variety of projects in the second half of the year. In the same period Mahmoud Shaarway joined the software development team. Mahmoud got his MSc in software development in Linz (Austria) and is now helping our team to complete more software tickets than ever before. We also welcomed two master students from TU Delft, Tom Spoel and Jelle Boelens. They will be part of our Research & Development projects and with them, we will gain even more insights in the coming year.

Looking at our product portfolio, it is obvious that our software development team has had a very productive year. Where our DIRAC product was merely a framework one year ago, it is now a complete and mature application to help our clients modele structures from measurements, including our Virtual Point transformation technology. The best part is, it is only a few weeks away from being launched! Furthermore, we have made great improvements to our VIBES’ Toolbox for MATLAB, making it the most complete Toolbox for all the technologies we offer.

We do not only offer a profound software product portfolio, we also consultants too. Our engineering services consulting business has more than doubled over the past year! Blocked Force TPA projects have proven to be a popular choice this year. We have continued working with some of our established clients like BMWVolvo, and Doosan in a broad range of challenging projects. Also, we welcomed new clients from all corners of the world, as well as the Netherlands, including ASMLMagna Steyr and NIO.

Summarizing, VIBES looks at 2018 with great pride and is looking forward to an exciting 2019. A lot of new, challenging plans and projects coming up! It goes without saying that we will do our utmost best to keep these good vibes going in the new year.


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